
Následující publikace obsahují dílčí výstupy projektů se zaměřením na sdílení znalostí:

  • Matošková, J. (2016). Measuring Knowledge. Journal of Competitiveness, 8(4), 5-29. 
  • Matošková, J., & Směšná, P. (2017). Human resource management practices stimulating knowledge sharing. Management & Marketing, 12(4), 614-632.
  • Crhová, Z., Matošková, J., & Pavelková, D. (2018). Differences in approaches to knowledge sharing in selected cultures. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, 13(2), 15-29. doi: 10.18848/2324-7649/CGP/v13i02/15-29
  • Crhová, Z., Matošková, J., & Pavelková, D. (2018). Benefits of knowledge sharing from the managers' point of view. Knowledge Management: An International Journal, 18(1), 1-15. doi: 10.18848/2327-7998/CGP/v18i01/1-15
  • Matošková, J. (2019). Why Employees Share Their Knowledge, E+M, 22(2), 83-96. Dostupné z:
  • Crhová, Z., & Matošková, J. (2019). The Link Between Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence From the Czech Republic. International Journal of Knowledge Management [online], 15(3), 1-23. doi: 10.4018/IJKM.2019070101
  • Matošková, J. (2020). Communication Tools as Drivers of Employees' Knowledge Sharing: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18(1), 415-427. doi: 10.21511/ppm.18(1).2020.36
  • Benyahya, P., & Matošková, J. (2020). Partnership between the Employer and the Staff as a Vital Factor for Knowledge Sharing. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 1(1), 1. doi: 10.1504/IJLIC.2020.10031929
  • Matošková, J., Bartók, O., & Tomancová, L. (2020). The Relation between Employee Characteristics and Knowledge Sharing. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. doi: 10.1108/vjikms-05-2020-0092

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